MVMS 8th Grade: An end of year plan letter was mailed out to all Grade 8 households on Friday. The digital copy of this letter is located here:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: We will be open for in person learning as usual on Friday, May 21, 2021 barring any new complications. CMP has several trucks working at the school and has assured us we will have power in the morning. Thank you for your continuing patience.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please read Covid-19 Update at this link:
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS: MVMS Athletics will remain as planned. For more information see the MVMS Athletics Facebook Page.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Thursday May 20 2021, will be an at home learning day for all MVMS students. We are currently experiencing CMP electrical issues that have left the school without power and internet services. This includes all remote and in person learners, as well as staff. School officials will meet with CMP tomorrow and make a decision when we will be able to return to in person learning. Thank you for your support and we apologize for any inconvenience.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Any parents planning on taking part in the vaccination clinic on 5/18/21 can bring students to MVHS between 9 & 10 am. Please enter the school through the front door by the office.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Reminder: Rumford Hospital is providing Vaccination Clinics to any of our students 12 years of age or older. MVHS and MVMS on May 18th (second dose June 8th) . Below you will find the Consent and Registration forms which MUST be completed and returned to MVMS today by noon (5/17/21). Parents may accompany their child if they so choose AND the Clinic will provide vaccinations to adults as well. Vaccination Consent Form: Vaccination Fact Sheet: Registration Form:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
VACCINATIONS AVAILABLE 12 YEARS AND UP!! Rumford Hospital is providing Vaccination Clinics to any of our students 12 years of age or older. MVHS and MVMS on May 18th (second dose June 8th) and BJSHS on May 21 (second dose June 11). Below you will find the Consent and Registration forms which MUST be completed and returned to your school the day before the Clinic. There is also a fact sheet regarding the vaccine for your information. Parents may accompany their child if they so choose AND the Clinic will provide vaccinations to adults as well. Vaccination Consent Form: Vaccination Fact Sheet: Registration Form:
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
VACCINATIONS AVAILABLE 12 YEARS AND UP!! Rumford Hospital is providing Vaccination Clinics to any of our students 12 years of age or older. MVHS and MVMS on May 18th (second dose June 8th) and BJSHS on May 21 (second dose June 11). Below you will find the Consent and Registration forms which MUST be completed and returned to your school the day before the Clinic. There is also a fact sheet regarding the vaccine for your information. Parents may accompany their child if they so choose AND the Clinic will provide vaccinations to adults as well. Vaccination Consent Form: Vaccination Fact Sheet: Registration Form:
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
VACCINATIONS AVAILABLE 12 YEARS AND UP!! Rumford Hospital is providing Vaccination Clinics to any of our students 12 years of age or older. MVHS and MVMS on May 18th (second dose June 8th) and BJSHS on May 21 (second dose June 11). Below you will find the Consent form which MUST be completed and returned to your school the day before the Clinic. There is also a fact sheet regarding the vaccine for your information. Parents may accompany their child if they so choose AND the Clinic will provide vaccinations to adults as well. Vaccination Consent Form: Vaccination Fact Sheet:
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS: Vaccination Clinic Update: Parents are welcome to be vaccinated too! Just let the MVMS Office know if you want your shot too so we can make sure there are enough supplies for everyone. Please complete both the registration and consent forms for all recipients and turn them into the MVMS Office by Noon on Monday, May 17. Registration Form: pFizer Fact Sheet: Consent form:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS:MVMS is partnering with Rumford Hospital to offer our students 12 and older  the opportunity to receive the pFizer vaccine.  There will be a vaccination clinic held at MVHS on May 18, 2021. Students will be bused from MVMS to MVHS to receive their vaccine.Permission forms  are being sent home with eligible students. If you would like your child  to participate in this clinic  return the form to the MVMS office by noon Monday, May 17. Late submissions will not be accepted.  Remote students are welcome to  participate, please download the form and return it  to MVMS. pFizer Fact Sheet:    Consent form:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Reminder: All 6th , 7th , Mrs. Ladd and Mr. LaPointe's students will attend in person learning MVMS on Thursday, May 13, 2021. 8th Grade BLUE Cohort will attend in person learning at the MVMS Annex on Thursday, May 13, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Join us on Wednesday, May 12th from 5:30-7pm at the MVHS cafeteria for our Community Design Forum for the new school! This event will be held in-person and live via Zoom.
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MVMS: Track, Softball and Field Hockey may begin practices and games on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. Please see the MVMS Athletics FB page for specific practice and game information about your sport.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: We are pleased to inform the MVMS community that Grade 6, Grade 7 and Grade 8 BLUE cohort will be back to school in person on Thursday, May 13, 2021. Please note the Grade 8 RED, Grade 5 and the Boys Baseball Team will continue their quarantine and will be back at school on Monday, May 17, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: GEAR UP is sponsoring a Resiliency Day on May 12, 2021. Dr. Elyse Pratt-Ronco will work with students within grade level zooms to build the resiliency skills needed to thrive in a world filled with Covid challenges. Door prizes will be drawn. Schedule and ZOOM links here:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Correction: 8th Grade Remote plan for May 10-12, 2021:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: 8th Grade Remote plan for May 12-14, 2021:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: MVMS will be moving to remote learning next week. Some grades have different situations that are outlined on the letter found here:
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney