For updated Summer Meal Routes, please check here: https://5il.co/us9q

Don't forget tonight at 5:30pm in the MVHS auditorium we will have the STRAW POLL for the new school building project! https://5il.co/upa3

Happy Juneteenth!
For more information:

MVMS: The MVMS Office will be open this week from 8 am to 2 pm for laptop, hot spot, and book drop off. Progress reports and certificates not picked up today will also be available.

MVMS: Monday, June 14, 2021 will be a half day of school for all in person students. Dismissal will be 11:15. All 8th Grade in person students will attend MVMS. The Annex will be closed.

MVMS: Reminder: MVMS: 8th Grade Red Cohort Promotion Ceremony, Friday, June 11, 2021 @ 8:30 ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/94762993274?pwd=aEpYQnlSOVZpR1hzTkhOS0ZzYnIrZz09

MVMS: 8th Grade Red Cohort Promotion Ceremony, Friday, June 11, 2021 @ 8:30 ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/94762993274?pwd=aEpYQnlSOVZpR1hzTkhOS0ZzYnIrZz09

MVMS: Please remember to screen your child for COVID symptoms before sending them to school. Let's finish the year strong! Morning COVID Symptom Checklist: https://5il.co/trtu

MVMS: For information about Promotions, Ceremonies, and Materials Return dates please see: https://5il.co/tq99

MVMS: Reminder: Vaccination Clinic #2 will be held on June 8, 2021 @ 8:30am. Consent forms were sent home to those students who received their first shot in May. The digital copies of these forms can be found here: https://5il.co/tkz0 Please bring have your child bring these filled forms to school by Tuesday morning.

MVMS Reminder: Please see the UPDATED Times for 8th Grade Promotion Ceremonies:
The 8th Grade will be having promotion ceremonies next week where 1-2 parents are able to attend in person following guidelines. There will also be a remote option. RSVP's are needed for attendance.
Fully Remote + Blue Cohort Student Parents: Tuesday, June 8th @10:30AM (following the vaccine clinic)
Please RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/DpNCPYcdjzDLfrbv6
Red Cohort Student Parents: Friday, June 11th @8:30AM
Please RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/UzWP74yhPZRUvYPh9

RSU 10 is working with a regional program to create a remote academy for 2021-22 with limited seats. Complete this survey if your childe is interested --

MVMS: Vaccination Clinic #2 will be held on June 8, 2021 @ 8:30am. Consent forms are being sent home to those students who received their first shot in May. The digital copies of these forms can be found here: https://5il.co/tkz0

MVMS: Due to a conflict with the vaccine clinic times on 5/8/21, we are reviewing the BLUE cohort 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony date and time and will provide updated information to parents and students on Thursday.

MVMS: The 8th Grade will be having promotion ceremonies next week where 1-2 parents are able to attend in person following guidelines. There will also be a remote option. RSVP's are needed for attendance.
Fully Remote + Blue Cohort Student Parents: Tuesday, June 8th @8:30AM
Please RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/DpNCPYcdjzDLfrbv6
Red Cohort Student Parents: Friday, June 11th @8:30AM
Please RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/UzWP74yhPZRUvYPh9

MVMS: 8th Grade Remote Students: 8th Grade will be offering an in-person option to Fully Remote students for their MVHS Transition day on June 2nd. Please see the information and complete the survey at this link to choose which option your student will be using: https://forms.gle/xYezBPQ2kETvcB1QA

MVMS: End of Year Information - 2020-21: Page 1: https://5il.co/tdet Page 2: https://5il.com/tdeu

Please read our RSU 10 Community Newsletter for information about Summer Programs, Fall 2021, & Remote Learning. https://5il.co/tceq

MVMS: 8TH GRADE ONLY: 8th Grade will be offering an in-person option to Fully Remote students for their MVHS Transition day on June 2nd. Please see the information and complete the survey at this link to choose which option your student will be using:

A Western Maine zoom community conversation on anti-racist vocabulary.