Welcome to our Budget Publication which has been delivered to every address in our RSU 10 seven towns. There is a lot of great information in this document including our 2021-2022 RSU10 budget and regarding our building project. I hope you will join us on May 26th at our Budget meeting and then VOTE in your towns on June 8, 2021. -Deb Alden https://5il.co/sans
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
Reminder - this is Teacher Appreciation Week....don't forget to thank a teacher. It could even be one who is retired and made a difference in your life!!
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Teacher Appreciation Week 2021
Visioning Presentation Workshop with Harriman for the new school building project. https://youtu.be/6PZDSf0PZ4Y
almost 4 years ago, RSU10 Notification
Please join me and the Maine Department of Education in showing our appreciation for our Teachers in RSU 10 this week!! Thank you for all you do!! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#inbox/FMfcgxwLtkcHgpzPRSSQSgLJtkrRpjGW
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS: MVMS Transportation Plan: https://5il.co/s5cr
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
New masking guidelines for RSU 10: https://5il.co/s476
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS: Corrected 8th Grade letter attached here: https://5il.co/rze0
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: We will be moving forward with bringing our 7th Grade students back to school 4 days per week beginning Monday, May 3, 2021. For more information: https://5il.co/rzad
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: We will be moving forward with bringing our 8th Grade students back to school 4 days per week beginning Monday, May 3, 2021. For more information : https://5il.co/rz9r
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Please see the RSU 10 Covid Update at this link! https://5il.co/rwob
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
Staff and Students: As we return from Spring Break please follow the current mandates from Maine CDC: COVID-19: Travel Mandates for Those Entering Maine from Domestic Travel Quarantine It is mandated that all out-of-state travelers coming into Maine, as well as Maine residents returning to Maine, complete a 10-day quarantine upon arrival. Travelers should monitor for signs and symptoms for an additional 4 days. This means: You need to arrive with enough food for 10 days or arrange to have food delivered to you. You cannot go out to grocery stores. Stay at home. You cannot go out to public places. Avoid contact with others, especially those who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 illness. Negative Antigen or Molecular Test Result The State will allow adults who have a negative COVID-19 antigen or molecular (PCR, NAAT, or isothermal) test collected no more than 72 hours before arriving in Maine to forgo the 10-day quarantine upon arrival in Maine. An antibody test is not accepted to forgo quarantine for visitors and those returning to Maine. Maine is strongly urging visitors to “Know Before You Go,” meaning they should get tested and receive their test results in their home state before traveling to Maine, which will allow them to take appropriate action depending on the result. If you do not have the test result by the time you arrive, you must quarantine in your lodging until you receive the result. Individuals may be tested upon arrival in Maine as well, but they must quarantine while awaiting the results. Quarantine and Testing Exemptions Exempt states: Residents from the following states are exempt from the testing and 10-day quarantine requirement above because, when adjusted for population, the prevalence of active cases of COVID-19 in these states is similar to Maine. Maine residents can also travel to these states and return without testing or completing a 10-day quarantine. Exempt effective March 5, 2021: Connecticut Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Vaccination exemption: Individuals who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination series and are 14 days beyond the completion of the series are exempt from the testing and 10-day quarantine requirement above, regardless of their state of origin. Exemption for those who have had COVID-19: An individual who had a positive COVID-19 molecular or antigen test is exempt from the testing and 10-day quarantine requirement above for 90 days (3 months) after their first positive test, provided they remain asymptomatic. Certificate of Compliance: Travelers to Maine who are not residents of exempt states and are visiting Maine will be asked to sign a Certificate of Compliance indicating either that they have received a negative COVID-19 test result, that they have completed a COVID-19 vaccination series, that they will quarantine in Maine for 10 days, or that they have already completed their quarantine in Maine. This compliance form must be provided to check-in at all Maine lodging, campgrounds, seasonal rentals, overnight camps, and other commercial lodging, such as Airbnb. Visitors may be asked to furnish proof of the negative test result upon request. Regardless of exemptions, all visitors should continue to wear face coverings and practice physical distancing and hand hygiene to further reduce risk of COVID-19 spread. Find out how to interpret a COVID-19 test result for traveling to Maine (PDF). Visit the Keep Maine Healthy page for more information on traveling into Maine. Mandates for Those Entering Maine from International Travel Quarantine and Testing For people who are fully vaccinated (at least 14 days past their final COVID-19 dose) who arrive in Maine: Quarantine is not required unless you are experiencing symptoms. Testing is recommended 3-5 days after arrival in the US. If the COVID-19 test is positive, isolate. For all people who are not fully vaccinated and arrive in Maine within 7 days of entering the United States: Quarantine for 7 days from arrival in the US AND get a COVID-19 molecular or antigen test 3-5 days after arrival in the US. If the COVID-19 test is positive, isolate. Even if the COVID-19 test is negative, complete the 7-day quarantine after travel. If individuals arriving from international travel do not get a COVID-19 test after their arrival, they should quarantine for 10 days after their arrival in the US. Avoid being around anyone who is at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness for 14 days following arrival in the US, regardless of COVID-19 test results. For anyone who arrives in Maine more than 7 days after arrival in the US, follow the domestic travel guidelines above. Find travel guidance for all passengers coming to the United States, including US citizens, from US CDC.
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS: 7th Grade: The assignment for today's remote day will be Snow Day Packet #2. Feel free to email your homeroom teacher with questions or for help.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: 8th Grade: Friday, April 16 - Remote Learning Day: All Hybrid General or Special Education students will have assignments on Google Classroom or have been assigned paper homework. Each teacher will assign the due time of these assignments. All teachers will be available between 7:45AM - 3:00PM by email or scheduled zoom to assist. As always, students MUST check in with their homeroom teacher for attendance to be counted as present.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Tomorrow, Friday April 16th, will be a Remote Learning Day in all schools in RSU 10. This is due to the impending weather and the fact some schools have low In-Person staff numbers. Please plan accordingly and this day WILL NOT be made up in June. Please have a safe and fun vacation week. If traveling, check this out: https://5il.co/rlbg
almost 4 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS: We will be pushing back the timeline to bring our 7th and 8th Grade students back to 4 day learning because the MVMS Annex space at the Mexico Recreation Center will not be ready right after the break. 7th and 8th Grade Hybrid students will return to school after the break on their Blue or Red Hybrid schedule. We hope this will be short term and we move forward with our plan quickly. For more information : https://5il.co/rlak
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Please disregard the last message. MVMS will have school on Thursday, April 15 as usual.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Reminder: Thursday, April 8, 2021 will be an At Home Learning day for all students due to a large number of MVMS staff receiving vaccinations on Wednesday. All students need to check in for attendance as usual to be counted a present. Information for student learning will come from each team.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Parents and community members are invited to a virtual forum on Thursday, 4/15, which will begin at 6:00 p.m. to focus on the RSU #10 Portrait of a Graduate process and ask for your input. This will be followed with the superintendent sharing a little information about next school year. Join Zoom Meeting https://networkmaine.zoom.us/j/84595652564 Meeting ID: 845 9565 2564
almost 4 years ago, Leanne Condon
MVMS: Fully Remote Students: Trimester 2 Report Cards are in the MVMS Office and can be picked up before 2:00pm any school day.
almost 4 years ago, Cheryl Gurney