Pool-Testing will begin Sept. 23 & 24 in RSU 10 Schools There seems to be some confusion over the use of Pool-Testing. 1) Anyone and Everyone can and should sign up – WHY? 2) It allows the person NOT to quarantine – even in a positive “Pool” group - if individually testing negative – Regardless… a. Regardless if vaccinated b. Regardless if a close contact in the classroom, playground, lunchroom, bus, sports team, etc. c. Regardless if you were in a close group with a positive case 3) It is a simple cotton swab (self-administered) in the nose – once per week. 4) If group comes back positive – individual confidential test with school nurse. PLEASE – return the consent forms https://5il.co/xr29 and https://5il.co/xr28 to participate. Contact your school nurse or check out this https://www.maine.gov/doe/sites/maine.gov.doe/files/inline-files/School%20Testing%20FAQ%208.23.21%20FINAL.pdf with questions. **This is funded through the State of Maine – NOT local tax dollars**
over 3 years ago, Deb Alden
This notification is to let parents and families know that based on the specifics of a positive COVID case, you may or may not receive a personal phone call or message regarding your child. We will be using our automated system to notify parents. This will help notify the necessary individuals in a timely and efficient manner. You will continue to receive written documentation from the school.
over 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MVMS: Reminder to get your Pool Testing forms into the school. Our first pool test date will be Fri. Sept 24.
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please see the COVID-19 Flowchart at this link -- https://5il.co/yxnm. Thank you, RSU 10 Administration & Nurses
over 3 years ago, Leanne Condon
Please join us to reduce quarantining and sign up for Pool Testing today. As soon as we have at least five(5) people/students consenting for pool testing participation in any classroom or grouping we will be able to begin Pool Testing for that group and those participating would ONLY be required to quarantine IF they test positive themselves. This includes those ALREADY vaccinated. Please consult your School Nurse with additional questions. Below are the two (2) consent forms that must be completed for participating in Pool Testing https://5il.co/xr29 https://5il.co/xr28 You can also get a hard copy of these forms in any school office.
over 3 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS Reminder: RSU 10 Vaccination Clinic for ages 12 and up will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at MVHS. Forms to participate in this clinic are available at the MVMS office or here for down load (two forms): https://5il.co/ygzk https://5il.co/ygzl
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/yi5f
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: RSU 10 Vaccination Clinic for ages 12 and up will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at MVHS. Forms to participate in this clinic are available at the MVMS office or here for down load (two forms): https://5il.co/ygzk https://5il.co/ygzl
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
We have 5 openings for elementary students (K-6) in the Western Maine Remote Academy. WMRA starts on 9/13/21. For more information, please send an email to lcondon@rsu10.org. There is an application process. Thank you, Leanne Condon
over 3 years ago, Leanne Condon
MVMS: Open House Update: 5th Grade and Life Skills - Mon. Aug 30@ 5:30-6:30; 6th Grade - Thurs. Sept 2 @ 5-6; 7th Grade - Thurs. Sept 2 @ 6-7. See you all there!
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS Open Houses are as follows: 5th Grade and Life Skills- Mon. Aug. 30 @ 5:30-6:30pm; 7th Grade - Thurs. Sept. 2 @ 6-7pm; 6th Grade - TBD.
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please see the following information regarding Pooled Testing. https://www.rsu10.org/o/rsu10/page/things-to-know-about-pooled-testing
over 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
Reminder: MVMS Fall Athletics Informational Meeting today (Monday, August 23 @ 5:00pm in the MVMS Auditorium. See you there!
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Correction to RSU10 communication about first day of school. Please note: At MVMS Wed. Sept. 1 will be 5th Grade students ONLY (No late start). Grades 6-8 will begin school on Thursday, Sept. 2.
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Welcome Back to School 2021 - Please see message at this link: https://5il.co/xhnm
over 3 years ago, Deb Alden
MVMS Athletics Participation Form can be found here: https://5il.co/x6in Reminder: MVMS Fall Athletics meeting - Monday, August 23, 2021 @ 5:00 pm in the Auditorium. Form, Proof of Insurance, Sports Physicals can be submitted there.
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Attention all MVMS Sports Fans - Information about MVMS Fall Athletics has been posted on the MVMS Website, MVMS Events Calendar and MVMS Athletics Facebook page. It can also be seen here: https://www.rsu10.org/o/mvms/browse/241514 Fall Athletics Informational meeting will be on Mon. Aug. 23 @ 5:00pm in the MVMS Auditorium.
over 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please read the latest RSU 10 update at this link: https://5il.co/w92m
over 3 years ago, Deb Alden
Beginning Tuesday, July 20, 2021, RSU 10 will be following the latest update we received last week from Maine DOE: Per the US CDC order related to transportation all people on public or private school-provided transport, including buses and vans, are required to wear a mask. Masks will be available as you get on RSU 10 transportation. Please comply with this "CDC Order". You may also choose to use your own transportation. Hope everyone is enjoying summertime!! Deb
over 3 years ago, Deb Alden
Important Immunization Announcement: https://5il.co/v1tk Maine Immunization Requirements for Schools: https://5il.co/v1tm
over 3 years ago, Deb Alden