Please read the latest RSU 10 Covid update:

MVMS: 6th Grade will be coming to school 4 days per week starting on Monday, February 8, 2021. For more information see: https://5il.co/pdnj

Thank you to all of our School Counselors!!

Happy Snow Day!!
I wish I was this talented!!
Have a GREAT "First" Snow Day, everyone!!

Tuesday, February 2 is a Traditional No School Day in RSU 10 due to the snow storm. Get out and enjoy the snow! On Wednesday, February 3rd please remember it is a Remote Learning Day so make sure to check in for attendance and be ready to work!
Thank you!
Deb Alden

MVMS: RSU 10 is hosting an informational meeting to provide some ideas on how to support your student when they are learning at home. More information about this meeting can be found here: https://5il.co/p6ib
Support materials for this meeting were sent with students or mailed home. They can be found here: https://5il.co/p6jm

MVMS: 8th Grade Remote Schedule for the week of February 1-5, 2021: https://5il.co/p52r

1-29-21 RSU 10 Covid Update at this link:

MVMS: 5th Grade will be coming to school 4 days per week starting on Monday, February 1, 2021. For more information see: https://5il.co/p3z9


MVMS: Update: Back to School: https://5il.co/ou1d

AUGUSTA-- Today Governor Janet Mills and her administration announced the launch of a new initiative to support the mental health and wellbeing of Maine youth. More information here:

MVMS: Update: MVMS will be extending remote learning for all grades to two weeks. In Person learning will resume on Monday, January 25, 2021. For more information go to: https://5il.co/og7o or the MVMS FaceBook page. Mrs. Longway and Taylor's students are not impacted by any changes or quarantines.

MVMS 8th Grade: Please find information about remote learning for the week of January 11-15, 2021 for the 8th Grade here: https://5il.co/of7u Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Longway's students will continue with their previous schedules.

MVMS 6th Grade: Please find information about remote learning for the week of January 11-15, 2021 for the 6th Grade in the Google Classrooms. All students are expected to check in for attendance as usual.

MVMS 5th Grade: Please find information about remote learning for the week of January 11-15, 2021 for 5th Grade here: https://5il.co/of5r and https://5il.co/of5u

MVMS 7th Grade: Please find information about remote learning for the week of January 11-15, 2021 for the 7th grade here: https://5il.co/of5f and https://5il.co/of5g

MVMS: MVMS will be doing remote learning for the week of January 11 - 15, 2021 due to lack of staff as a result of meeting CDC quarantine guidelines. School will resume Tuesday, January 19, 2021. For more information - https://5il.co/of4r or check the MVMS FaceBook page. For information about COVID-19 exposures contact cbeardsley@rsu10.org - School Nurse.

MVMS: 5th Grade will remain in the hybrid model for the week of January 11-15 due to staffing challenges. Transition plan will be reviewed January 15, 2021. For more information see https://5il.co/oeev or our Face Book page.

RSU 10 Covid Update 1-8-2021