There will be a 1 hour delay in RSU 10 schools today, Thursday December 16

MVMS: The school board has voted tonight to change our school calendar. Holiday break will now begin on 12/20. This coming Friday (12/17) will be the last day of school.

RSU #10 would like to share this statement, written by Ryan Casey .
Many of you may have heard that there was a threat made against our school at the school board meeting on Monday night. It is true that a threat was made. It is also true that racial slurs and hate speech were used. We never condone the use of that type of language and work hard everyday to be an anti-racist and anti-bias district. RSU #10 has, and always will be, entirely devoted to protecting all of our kids.
RSU 10 CO Administration

MVMS: From the Office of Mr. Casey, Principal, Mountain Valley Middle School: https://5il.co/137yz

School will resume on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Here is a message about the interruption to the school board meeting -- https://5il.co/1360j
Thank you,
RSU #10 Administrators

Please read this following message regarding December 14, 2021: https://5il.co/134l7

MVMS: Reminder: Second Vaccination clinic today 1-2pm or 4-6pm at RES for those students under 12 who had their first shot at the November clinic.

MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/12ysr

Dear RSU 10 Community:

MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/12nqd https://5il.co/12o73

We are pleased to offer Live Stream Basketball to our MVMS Community. Please go to to watch MVMS Basketball live:

Indoor Activities!! The good news this year is that all of our extra and co curricular sports and activities are able to take place this winter! We ask that all spectators and participants in our buildings are masked. The sports conferences, our RSU 10 schools belong to, are limiting spectators based on the activity and size of each gymnasium. In order to track for contact tracing and home spectators, tickets will be issued. Most all of our sports and activities are live streamed for those not in attendance. Our Athletic Directors and/or Building Administrators have and will continue to communicate more specific details. PLEASE do not take out your Covid frustrations on RSU 10 staff. We are all trying to move forward. Remember it is about the students and they are excited to be able to play and participate this year!

MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/12jdj

MVMS: The MVMS December Newsletter can be found here: https://5il.co/12hrn

MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/12gh8

MVMS: Looking for Boys' Hawks Basketball? You will find the live link here: https://tinyurl.com/bjk29hbb

MVMS: All MVMS Girl's Basketball games for today (11/23/21) have been cancelled due to a COVID issue. Boy's games will go on as planned.

MVMS: MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/126r1

MVMS: Please note the vaccination clinic on Monday, November 22 is for children 5-11 years old only.

MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been contacted. More information here: https://5il.co/120ns