Social Worker Appreciation Week March 7-11!
about 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
RSU10 schools will be mask optional starting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 9th. Updated Maine DOE SOP (3/8/2022):
about 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MVMS: March 17, 2022 is Parent Teacher Conference Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:15 and conferences will be held over ZOOM from 12-6pm. To sign up for your conference please see the attached letter: .
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please read this notice -- -- about changes in wearing masks in RSU #10.
about 3 years ago, Leanne Condon
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: (Letter regarding incident information, findings and resulting precautions).
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: 8th Grade will resume in person instruction at the Annex tomorrow (3/3/22). We want to thank 8th Grade students and parents for helping make these remote days so successful. We had great attendance and appreciate everyone's patience. Information about the incident, findings, and resulting precautions can be found here:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
This notice concerns The Annex and the reason for remote learning on March 1 & 2. Thank you, Central Office
about 3 years ago, Leanne Condon
This notice contains information about The Annex and remote learning on March 1 & 2. Thank you, Central Office
about 3 years ago, Leanne Condon
MVMS: Reminder: All students at the Annex will be remote today (3/2/22) and will be expected to check in with homeroom teachers by 9:15am. Attendance checks will also be done in each class during the day. Remote schedule here: All classes at MVMS will be in person.
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please read our district notice about recent discrimination and harassment accusations at
about 3 years ago, Leanne Condon
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: The MVMS Annex building will continue to be closed tomorrow (March 2, 2022) out of an abundance of caution. Although air quality tests did not show anything alarming, we strongly suggest that anyone experiencing any of the following symptoms please report them to your school nurse AND your child’s PCP. Dull headache, Weakness, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting, Shortness of breath, Confusion. Remote Plans can be found here:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Drama Club begins Thursday, March 3, 2022 and will meet each Tues. and Thurs. going forward. Open to Grades 5-8. Meetings will end at 4:30. No transportation provided. See Mr. Bridges for more information.
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Reminder: 8th Grade only will be remote today 3/1/22. Remote Plan can be found here: All students are expected to respond to the hmrm teacher attendance email by 8:15 and attendance will be taken for each class during the day. There will be no AA/PE class today. Students need to report to first class at 9:30.
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: We have been made aware of a potential air quality concern at the MVMS Annex. Out of an abundance of caution, we will have Tuesday, March 1, 2022 as a remote learning day for 8th Grade students and we will take the day to thoroughly evaluate the school to make sure it is safe for our staff and students to return to in person learning at the Annex on Wednesday. 8th Grade Remote Plan can be found here:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: RSU 10 will be offering a Student Equity Summit Conference on March 30, 2022. Sign ups for sessions coming soon. For more information: Flier - Letter:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS 8th Grade Parents and Guardians: MVMS 8th Grade will be completing a short survey regarding post secondary education and careers on 3/1/2022. For more info:
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Automotive Middle School AfterSchool Program offered by Region9 in March - Very limited space - Flier: Program Info: Registration Form: . If interested return the registration form to MVMS.
about 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney