MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS 8th Grade: On June 10th, the 8th graders will be going on their end of the year field trip. They will be going mini-golfing and to the FunZ trampoline park. Please return the permission slip as soon as possible. In order for your child to attend the Trampoline park portion - you NEED to sign the waiver at the link provided. If you have been before, the website will ask you to enter your email address and who the waiver is for. It will then ask you for your password, which you can reset. If you have never been, please follow the instructions on the waiver! Please contact the 8th grade team with any questions. Thank you! Waiver Link:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Don't forget to join us tomorrow, June 1st at 6:15pm for the Public Hearing on the New School Building at MVHS followed by the Annual Budget Meeting at 6:30pm in the Auditorium.
almost 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MVMS: 8th Grade Parents: This week 8th grade students will take a short walk from the ANNEX to the Veterans Memorial Green on Main St. in Mexico. Students will learn more about the meaning of Memorial Day and who this memorial is dedicated to. Please contact Abbey Woods at if you have any questions or concerns
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
View our Budget Publication Newsletter and don't forget to Vote on June 14th!
almost 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Please consider completing this community survey as we plan for the leadership at Mountain Valley Middle School.
almost 3 years ago, RSU10 Notification
MVMS 8th Grade: On Monday, May 23 8th Grade students will be watching the movie "Harriet"(rated PG-13) in Social Studies. This movie will conclude their slavery unit. Please contact Mrs. Woods at if you have any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: Come Vote For Our New School: Informational Brochure here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Happy School Nurses Day!! A Special Thank you to ALL of our School Nurses for all they do to keep us healthy and safe!!
almost 3 years ago, Deb Alden
School Nurses Day
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney
Starting May 9th there will be two changes to pick up and drop offs. The first change will affect all students being picked up at Meroby. We will no longer be using Cross Street for drop offs and pickups. We will be switching back to dropping off and picking up in the parking lot of Meroby. Please be aware of the safety hazard involved with students crossing in front of the buses during parent drop off and pick up times. The second change will affect bus run "N" evening run. We will be splitting the PM run. The bus will pick up at Meroby and MVMS as usual. From there they will be dropped off at their bus stops. The bus will then pick up at RES and MVHS and continue the run. You will see delayed or earlier drop offs due to this change Depending on what school your student goes to.
almost 3 years ago, RSU10 Update
MVMS: A person associated with MVMS has tested positive for COVID-19. More information here:
almost 3 years ago, Cheryl Gurney