You know it's going to be a good day when you walk in to music blasting with Mrs. Sevigny and Mrs. Crutchfield dancing! Happiest of Valentines from MVMS to you.

Remember with vacation coming up soon we have extra food and hygiene products available. See the image below for more information.

Next week is our school spirit week here at Mountain Valley Middle School! Show that Hawks Pride by taking part in the dress up days listed on the image below.
Student council is also selling candy bars for a $1 each right now as a fundraiser.

With break coming up soon we have food and hygiene products available. See more information on the image below.

MVMS: Cookie Dough Fundraiser Update:
Thank you for helping to raise funds through the Hot Content’s Cookie Dough sales! The dough is scheduled to be available on February 14th instead of the 10th. Contact Mr. Bridges (bbridges@rsu10.org) to arrange an afternoon pickup for large orders that can not be brought home on the bus with the student. Thank you!

What a treat for our staff yesterday! Izaiah went around to deliver the delicious brownies he cooked up!

MVMS: Due to the extreme cold weather, we will be cancelling the MVMS Activity Night for tonight (2/3/23). Stay warm!

MVMS: Parents: Reminder - MVMS students can wear appropriate hats that do not interfere with learning but must take down the hoods of sweatshirts when in the school building or on grounds (as per the RSU 10 Dress Code Policy). It would help us greatly if you review this with your child. Thank you!!

MVMS: Parents of Western Maine Remote Academy (WMRA), please find information regarding closure at the end of June 2023: https://5il.co/1o4az

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Friday January 27th) all money and orders for the cookie dough fundraiser are due.

"Snow Days" = Remote Learning Days Please read more at this link: https://5il.co/1nx54

There will be no school in RSU 10 today, Thurs. January 26th. This includes Western Foothills Regional Program.

There will be no school in RSU 10 schools today, Monday January 23rd. This includes Western Foothills Regional Program.

There will be no school in RSU 10 today, Friday, January 20th. This includes Western Foothills Regional Program.

MVMS skiers with a great showing today at Saddleback!!

MVMS: Students at MVMS will be taking the 2023 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS) on January 27. More information about this survey can be found here: https://5il.co/1n5le

Maine's Positive Story of the Day!

There will be no school in RSU 10, today, Friday January 13, 2023.

MVMS: Parents and Students: On days when there is a home game or event, all students who plan on watching the game or event, must leave the school and come back just before it begins. There will be no supervision provided.

Holiday Edition of Positive Posts!