One of our goals at MVHS for the 2019-20 school year is to reduce our Chronically Absent Rate to less than 25%. Chronically Absent is defined as missing more that 10% of the school year. For a typical student that means missing more than 18 days over the course of the school year. We know that establishing good habits around attendance will be a skill that students bring with them after high school into college or the world of work. After completing the first quarter of the school year we are on target to reach our goal. Here is a break down by grade of the percentage of students who are chronically absent:
9th Grade 17%, 10th Grade 27%, 11th Grade 22%, 12th Grade 24%, Overall 23%
This is great news. We need the community to help us emphasize the importance of building a habit of good attendance. The first step to success is showing up. #FalconsFly #MVHSAlwaysImproving