Nezinscot Region Bus Routes 2019-2020
Please note that bus runs can vary up to 15 minutes during the first week of school. If parents have questions regarding the bus schedules, please call the RSU #10 Transportation Office at 369-5560, ext. 8229.
Please take note of the new additional parking at Hartford Sumner Elementary School. For your safety and that of your children please do not park across the street and cross Rt. 219. This area is reserved for visitor SHORT TERM parking (Under 30 Minutes). Please use the new parking area if you pick up, drop off your students. Please follow the posted signs directing traffic flow.
Bus #36 (Cow Bus) (Phil Theriault) begins picking up students at approximately 6:47 a.m. at Purkis Rd, then to Purkis Rd/Pleasant Hill, then to Purkis Rd; to Irish Hill Rd then back to Purkis Rd, and takes right onto Bryant Rd and a left onto Back Bryant Rd, turns around at end and goes back to Bryant Rd and crosses over onto Roundabout Rd and Shymor, continuing to North Hill Rd. Then takes right on North Hill Rd, picks up students at trailer park; continues on North Hill Rd past Orchard Ln and Cross Rd, takes left onto Route 117 (Turner Street). Then takes a right on to Morrill St past Lyn Drive and continues to BJSHS for secondary student drop off. Takes Route 140 to Jordan Rd and Gesner Rd, picking up elementary school students, and proceeds to HSES.
Bus #25 (Dino) (John Lee) begins picking up students at approximately 6:58 a.m. on (lower) Paris Hill Rd to (upper) Paris Hill Rd (turnaround); to North Whitman Rd to Streaked Mtn Rd to Depot St. Drops off at BJSHS 7:20 a.m. Resumes picking up elementary students on Route 219, drops off at HSES 7:45 a.m.
Bus #35 (Frog) (Kevin Philbrick) begins picking up students on the Redding Rd at 6:50, proceeds to corner of Redding Rd/Tuell Hill Rd and onto Tuell Hill Rd. Turns at Estes Rd, then right onto Route 219, a right onto the Arthur Allen Rd, turning at Daley’s and returning to the village via Heath Hill Rd. Turns right onto Front St to Barrows Rd, turning around and back to Route 219, continuing on to HSES 7:25. Route 140 to BJSHS.
Bus #26 (Duck Bus) (Merriel Perry) begins picking up students at approximately 6:48 a.m. on Paris Hill Rd, then on to Alan School Rd to Cummings Rd to Alan School Rd to Shedd Hollow Rd to Darnit Rd to Benson Hill Rd to Darnit Rd to Jack Rd to Darnit Rd to Keene Rd to Brock School Rd to River Road to North Buckfield Rd to Morrill St. Proceeds to BJSHS, then to HSES.
Bus #27 (Deer Bus) (Mark Anderson) begins picking up on Upper Sumner Hill Rd at approximately 6:48 am to Lower Sumner Hill to Labrador Pond Rd to Greenwoods Rd to Varney Rd to Greenwoods Rd to Valley Rd to Fields Hill Rd to Gammon Rd to Route 219. Proceeds to HSES. Back to Route 140, picking up secondary students along the way, proceeds to BJSHS.
Bus #30 (Turtle) (Betty Dolloff) begins picking up students at approximately 7:03 a.m. at Staples Hill/Church St, then to Pine Shore Rd; back onto Church St; turns right on Route 219; left onto Dakin Lane, then to Route 219 to HSES. Picks up secondary students on Bonney Rd (Buckfield); meets Bus 34 at Bradeen Rd (elementary students transfer to Bus 30), then to Old Sumner Rd. Continues to High St and Morrill St, ending run at BJSHS. Any Canton students attending Nezinscot Region schools must meet the bus at the Canton line on Church Street.
Bus #31 (Soon to Change to Bus 37) (Whale) (Isiah Stickney) begins picking up at 6:35 on Route 140, McNeil Way and Main Street, Hartford to Bonney Road (Hartford/Canton Line). The bus continues on Route 140 turning around on side of Canton Lake with a right on to Darrington Rd, and proceeding back with a right onto Stetson Rd. Bus then takes a left turn onto Town Farm Rd where the bus takes a left onto Tucker Rd, returning to Town Farm Rd, Paradie Lane, Carey Hill Road, Route 140 to HSES. Picks up only secondary students, continues down Route 140, turning left onto Ricker Hill and right onto Sam Annis Rd, continuing to Town Line Rd and then proceeds down Jordan Rd to BJSHS. Any Canton students attending Nezinscot Region schools must meet the bus at the Bonney Road on Route 140 by the lake.
Bus 32 (Bunny) (Bud Daniel) begins picking up at 6:35 a.m. on Pratt Hill Rd to Jones Ave to Berry Rd; to Blueberry Lane and Berry Rd (Hartford/Livermore Line). Bear Mountain Rd to Mahoney Rd, takes a left onto Church Street and takes a left onto Bear Pond Rd. Picks up students at Bear Pond Rd & Cowett Rd, left on Perry Rd turns into Bear Pond Rd. Right onto Gammon Rd, goes to end of Gammon Rd and turns around. Bus takes a right onto East Buckfield Rd, left onto Bean Rd, turning around at end of Bean Rd, left onto East Buckfield Rd and right onto Turner St. Proceeds to BJSHS to drop off secondary students, then to Route 140 and Spring Rd/Route 140 to HSES to drop off elementary students.
Bus #34 ( Bear) (Jocie McCafferty) begins run at approximately 6:47 on the Hebron Rd to Conejo Lane to Hallie Way to Bryant Rd to South Hill Rd. Turns right onto Morrill Street, cross bridge to Turner St. Turns around at Mountainside Dr at Turner line. Left onto Roundabout then right onto Hebron Rd. Corner of Faunce Rd/High St, then onto High St to Old Sumner Rd. To end of Country Side Homes Rd then to Old Sumner Rd then right to 595 Bonney Rd. Bradeen Rd, turn around, back to Bonney Rd then turn right onto Bradeen Rd. Drops students off at HSES.