RSU 10

RSU #10 FY25 ESEA Overview & Public Comment Survey 

RSU #10 accepts funding through the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) of 1965. As part of ESEA, RSU #10 is required to provide reasonable opportunity for public comment on the consolidated application and consider such comment prior to the submission of the application. RSU #10 is accepting public comment on the ESEA application through July 30, 2024. 

Title Allocations 

  • Title 1 $1,320,042.84

  • Title II $ 157,424.19

  • Title IV $ 131,228.58

  • Total = $1,608,695.61

FY25 ESEA Application 

The application is organized into projects. Below is a list with a brief description of each project. 

School Wide Programs: HSES, MES, RES, and MVMS are all Title 1 schools. Funds pay for Title 1 staff, academic coaches, parent/community engagement and some materials/supplies. School-Wide Project amounts: 

  • HSES -- $280,000.00

  • MES -- $430,000.00

  • MVMS -- $180,000.00 

  • RES -- $470,000.00

Set Aside Projects -- 

Homeless : The goal of this project is that all students who are deemed to be in need of Title 1A Homeless funds will receive services according to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The funds provide transportation to and from school and assist students with some school supply needs, clothing articles, academic assistance to support participation in classes and activities. (NOTE: We have another grant for this purpose.) Supplies $50

Family Engagement : The goal of this project is to increase family engagement. We will continue to fund family nights (on site or virtually) at each elementary school to provide opportunities for parent involvement through events that promote literacy and mathematics. We will continue our 

focus on an attendance focus concerning the importance of daily attendance. We are supporting our schools program to have the site coordinator and other instructors work directly with families to increase family engagement in school education. Contact will include robo calls, texts, and emails, teacher/admin phone calls and meetings, as well as family nights. Budget = 1% of Title 1 Amount @ $13,300 + $50,000 additional(staffing and online communication)= 63,300

Professional Development: The purpose of this project is to provide professional development for the district in the areas of instructional strategies to increase achievement and student engagement. Staff have also expressed a need for continued professional training in terms of supporting student behavior and increasing attendance. Total Project = $105,645.61

Click on the link below to share your thoughts about the FY 25 ESEA application goals and priorities.