Every School Succeeds Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires all states and LEAs to provide an annual report card to inform stakeholders about the progress of students and schools on indicators of student achievement, graduation rates, status of ESEA accountability and information on fully certified teachers information that is related to student success. ESEA Report Cards are available for download from the Maine ESSA Dashboard (https://www.maine.gov/doe/dashboard).
Click on the above link and choose our district and/or a building. You will see lots of data. The testing data is for 2018-19 as there was not state assessment in 2019-20. We have begin the state assessment this fall -- NWEA. You will see these scores in the spring after we've administered the NWEA again. Tutorials on how to use and navigate the dashboard are provided at the following link: (https://www.maine.gov/doe/learning/esea/guidance)
The ESEA coordinator / assistant superintendent presents the ESSA Dashboard to the full RSU #10 board. This information is then placed on the RSU #10 website. Included in each school newsletter is information about how to locate the ESEA RSU #10 Report Card for the district and school.

Maine Comprehensive Assessment System
Assessing student learning is an essential aspect of education, as it provides data that can lead to improved instruction and outcomes. The Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MECAS) provides information about the academic progress of students, schools, the state, and the nation as a whole. The MECAS includes state assessments, known as the Maine Educational Assessments, as well as the national and international assessments.
Assessments take many forms, and each type of assessment has distinct value and purpose. In a balanced assessment system, state and national assessments are one “piece of the puzzle,” and the results are meant to be triangulated with multiple other data sources to provide a comprehensive picture of student learning at the state, district, school, and student levels. In Maine, state assessment data are also used to inform the state’s accountability model and determine where supports and resources are most needed. As a part of this collaborative process between Maine’s educators, schools, SAUs, and the Maine Department of Education, we continue to strive to ensure that every child has an equitable opportunity for success.